Flatten The Curve Summit - flattenthecurve.tech


Our World Is In Crisis. Be Part of the Solution.

While pandemic grips the globe, our cross-discliplinary experts will share knowledge, strategies, and tools to help us strengthen our communities, cope with changes to our world, and stem the tide of the next crisis.

Attend sessions about public health, law, cyber conflict, climate change, collaboration, and digital self-defense. Learn while you’re staying home, social distancing, and practicing good hygiene, doing your part to #FlattenTheCurve.
Remote Learning

Participate in speaker sessions and Q&A via BigBlueButton Meetings. Find out why we ditched Zoom.
Global Perspectives

Learn from distinguished speakers who think globally and act locally, discussing the “big picture” across disciplines.
Skill Sharing

Get hands-on learning, watch prototype device demos, and discover disruptive and privacy-respecting tech.

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