Games are an excellent way to teach privacy and security to people:
Following two posts of board games about privacy by @vasilis, I’ll share here my findings about why it is that games are so great as well as a list of them. Maybe we can start bringing them to privacy cafes or just do a board games night:
Games might look stupid but they aren’t
Here are just a few reasons of their educational value:
people can’t be wallflowers: they must always engage in their turn.
permission to behave differently: regular power dynamics are temporarily withheld as people are expected to play a role and not their usual persona
a safe environment where social / hierarchical roles don’t apply as much -
permission to disagree - because it’s only in the game that you are disagreeing
Privacy games
Threat modeling
Other games (cards against humanity for cybersecurity)
Some recommended talks
Recommended talks on the value of educational games
Look into “serious games” if you’re interested in games with educational value and also watch the following talk about it: